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Introduction to Ebola virus, its treatment, mode of transmission and prevention

  Ebola virus. Credit: Northumbr University

The name Ebola is given to this virus from the Ebola River in Congo where this disease was first reported. Ebola virus is a rare but an extremely deadly virus which causes bleeding both internally and externally in the body. It starts to impair the immune system and other vital organs in its advanced stage. It effects the clogging of blood resulting in extremely severe uncontrollable bleeding.
How can a person get infected with Ebola virus?
 Ebola virus is not as contagious as some of the other viruses like cold flu or measles. This virus spreads through contact by skin or body fluids of an infected person. Ebola virus can spread through contaminated needles and surfaces. It does not spread through hair water or food substances. 

Symptoms of the Ebola virus
 During the initial stages the person infected with Ebola virus will have symptoms similar to flu. As the disease progresses the infected will start to observe high fever, head ache, muscle and joint pains, Appetite loss and sore throat.

Treatment for Ebola virus
Treatment for Ebola virus that present here is no cure for Ebola virus. Although studies are going on to try to find the vaccine for a medication for its treatment. Ebola virus symptoms management is done using fluids and electrolytes oxygen supplementation. Blood pressure medications and blood transfusions map for treating Ebola virus is also a drug names map which might help treat the Ebola virus. But this is an untested drug.
Prevention of Ebola virus
1.    Talking to and helping travelers who have come back from West Africa.
2.    Wash your hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer..
3.    Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
4.    Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. Germs spread this way.
5.    Working with the countries in West Africa to stop the outbreak.
6.    Teaching doctors and nurses how to care for people with Ebola.
Training people in West Africa to care for people with Ebola
