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Effects of Video games on Human Health

 Effects of Video games on Human Health

When someone commit a violence, it is said that it is due to TV, movies or video games. Video games are blamed to spoil the children in their childhood. But some researchers said that media is not only the cause of problem in children’s life.
Violence is not caused by media necessarily ­­­­­─ James Jee­­
Video games have many benefits actually. Videos games improve the thinking ability of the children. The children whom avoid sitting in the classroom, they sit for playing video games for many hours. The ability of screen learning also improved by video games. Video games are useful to create creative minds.

In a research happened in University of Rochester, New York, the individuals having the age of eighteen to twenty-three were monitored. The frequent video game players were more keen to understand the happenings of surroundings as compared to other individuals whom were not familiar with video games.
Video games can increase the thinking and learning ability ─ Daphne Bavelier
The research might lead the persons to train through video games. So, our assumption is "We certainly can convey our message to our children which can be conveyed through video games”.
Prediction about RNA folding is not easy to do. But a gamer can predict in a right way. In recent days, a gamer has developed a setup EteRNA which was used by 37000 scientists to unfold the RNA folding and predicting a new genome RNA. This game setup enables scientists to do their work efficiently ─ Erik Winfree (California Institute of Technology).
The old people having ripe age are more keen to do mistakes in their life. Therefore, a research was conducted by a neuroscientist Adam Gazzaley from the University of California, San Francisco. In this research sixty to ninety years old people were imposed to play a 3D racing game for several hours. As the result, those old people avoid mistakes for next six months. Certain abilities (working memory and sustained attention) were not targeted by the neuroscientist but was improved by this treatment.
Video games change your mind ─ University of Wisconsin psychologist C. Shawn Green
Video games act as pain killers as it diverts your attention and seek your attention. It bright the creativity of a person. Video games improve the hand – eye connection. It improve spatial behaviour of the person who play games.
The researchers at university of waterloo have made a step toward prediction about who is likely to feel sick from Virtual reality technology.The researchers explain that they will know that one will have a cybersickness or not. They claim that one’s knowledge will lead them to the results.
The strategic games require the brain to make a plan, manage and use limited goods and resources. When playing a strategic game, gamer should be flexible and quick to change his mind when something unexpected happens. These games are just like real life in real world. Playing a strategic game also improves quick analytical ability, quick decision-making power with incomplete information. Some strategic games are; -Starcraft, Xcom Enemy Unknown, Civilization etc.
There are certain types of games other than strategic games like first person shooters, action role playing games, simulation games, puzzle games, sports games, action adventures etc. Each game requires attention, intelligence, hand – eye coordination and improves thinking ability and sharpness.
