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70 major sins in Islam | Article on Islam,

 70 major sins in Islam
They are the first steps to Salvation. In Islam there are two categories a Muslim should take care of :
1- Following what God ordered us to do.
2- Avoiding what God prohibited us from doing.

If you know the first, you will avoid the second. For the second category is the opposite of the first category. Let me elaborate:

In his book “Al kaba’er”, Imam Al-Zahabi roughly listed all the 70 major sins in Islam. They go as the following :
01- Polytheism or associating partners with God “like the trinity”.
02- Homicide.
03- Magic
04- Neglecting Prayer.
05- Not giving alms.
06- Eating in Ramadan with no excuse.
07- Not performing Pilgrimage to Mecca “with ability”.
08- Maltreatment of Parents.
09- Cutting ties with Kins and relatives
10- Adultery and Fornication.
11- Sodomy.
12- Usury “Taking interest or paying with Interest”
13- Seizing the money/inheritance of an orphan.
14- Lying on God and his Messenger “Muhammed peace be upon him” by attributing things to them that are not true.
15- Running from battle in times of war.
16- Governors lying on their citizens.
17- Arrogance, Conceit and Pride.
18- False testimony.
19- Drinking Alcohol.
20- Gambling.
21- Falsely accusing chaste women of adultery or fornication.
22- Seizing part of war booty before the end of the war.
23- Robbery and Theft.
24- Brigandism.
25- False oath.
26- Injustice.
27- Customs “taxes on goods imported or exported”.
28- Taking unlawful money; embezzlement..etc.
29- Suicide.
30- Lying as a habit.
31- Being a bad court judge.
32- Judge taking Bribe to rule on a case.
33- Women dressing/behaving like men.
34- Men dressing/behaving like women.
35- Cuckoldry.
36- (Muhalal/Muhalal Lahu) : A woman can only be divorced 3 times, after that she must marry another man, and if she get a divorce from this second husband, she can return again to the first. Some people tried to hire a man to marry the divorced wife on paper just to allow them to get back together.
37- Not cleaning oneself from urine with water.
38- Hypocrisy; doing rituals to get attention.
39- Learning religious matters for the sake of this life, and keeping this knowledge to oneself and not teaching it.
40- Treason.
41- Giving Charity with bad talk.
42- Denying predestination.
43- Spying on people (not wartime spying of course).
44- Gossiping.
45- Swearing (i.e. Insults)
46- Treachery and breaking promises.
47- Believing horoscopes and astrologers.
48-A wife being arrogant on her husband.
49- Making the images of any living creatures on clothes, stone..etc.
50- Slapping one’s face and loud weeping in times of a close-person’s death.
51- Hitting a weak person/ wife / slave / beast of burden.
52- Harming your neighbor.
53- Harming Muslims and Insulting them.
54- Harming any human being.
55- Having a long robe or dress for the sake of hubris and arrogance.
56- Men wearing gold and silk.
57- Escaping slave.
58- Slaughtering animals for anyone other than God.
59- Man falsely saying someone is his father, while he knows his real father.
60- Debating and arguing in a bad manner.
61- Not helping people who need water.
62- Giving people less than what they deserve of their weighted goods “i.e. in a market, if the seller tweaked the scale to sell you 2 pounds of butter, while they are actually 1.5 pounds”.
63- Not fearing God’s wrath.
64- Harming Awlyaa’ “i.e. Sufis and the likes”.
65- Abandoning the community in congregations.
66- Insist on leaving the congregational prayer on Friday for no reason.
67- Forging and changing will of inheritance.
68- Deceiving people.
69- Spying on Muslims in times of war and giving enemies reports on their weakness.
70- Insulting one or more of the companions of the prophet “peace be upon him”
Now these are what not to do. To know what a Muslim should do, we have to get the opposite of everyone of those.
So to answer your question: No, the five pillars alone are not enough. Because i can do the five pillars and lie or commit adultery and steal, or go killing people! Will you find God to be fair, if he allowed me to go to paradise just because i pray 5 times and fast for a month..etc? I don’t think so.
In the end, i want to quote a hadith by the prophet “peace be upon him” on this particular matter :
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Do you know who is bankrupt?” They said, “The one without money or goods is bankrupt.” The Prophet said, “Verily, the bankrupt of my nation are those who come on the Day of Resurrection with prayers, fasting, and charity, but also with insults, slander, consuming wealth, shedding blood, and beating others. The oppressed will each be given from his good deeds. If his good deeds run out before justice is fulfilled, then their sins will be cast upon him and he will be thrown into the Hellfire.
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2581

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
